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Statement of Investment Principles

The Pensions Act 1995 requires the Trustee to agree a Statement of Investment Principles in consultation with the Scheme’s investment advisers and the Principal Employers. The document sets out formal investment objectives and constraints for the Scheme. Below is a link to the most recent Statement of Investment Principles.

Statement of Investment Principles as at June 2022

Statement of Investment Principles as at July 2021

Implementation Statement

The Trustee is also required to produce an annual Implementation Statement which sets out how, and the extent to which, the Trustee has followed its Statement of Investment Principles during the year.  The Implementation Statement includes details of any review of the Statement of Investment Principles during the year, any changes made and the reasons for those changes and the date at which the Statement of Investment Principles was last reviewed.  It also contains a description of the Trustee’s voting behaviour during the year and whether the services of a proxy voter were used.

Implementation Statement 2021-2022

Implementation Statement 2020-2021

Expression of Wish Form

It is important that the Trustee is kept up to date regarding your wishes relating to the benefits payable upon your death. If you have not previously completed an Expression of Wish form or your personal circumstances have changed, please download the form using the link below and return it to:

The Coca-Cola Company Pension and Assurance Scheme
Mercer Limited
Westgate House

52 Westgate
West Sussex
PO19 3HF


Please note that this form is not relevant to everyone. The Expression of Wish form nominates potential beneficiaries to receive a lump sum payment on death and therefore does not apply to pensioner members who have been in receipt of a pension for more than five years.

Expression of Wish form

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